[SKILLSHARE] Character Design: Designing a Character for a Purpose (or for a Client)

About This Class

In this video course on designing characters for a client or customer, Tom Bancroft describes the key concepts involved in creating compelling characters and walks you through the process. Tom describes the steps as he completes the steps himself.

Lesson 1
• Tom describes the keys to creating interesting character designs.
• He goes on to discuss working for a client to create character designs.
• Tom describes how to find all the reference and inspiration you need to make a successful character design.
• He then walks through the process of discovering and experimenting with various shapes and designs.

Lesson Part 2
• Tom Bancroft then walks the artist through his thought process in creating various versions of the Koala character for this painting company.
• Finally, Tom makes suggestions for the artist on how to continue forward with the project to take it to final.





  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • All Levels
  • Beg/Int
  • Int/Adv


Size: 888.79M

Community Generated

The level is determined by a majority opinion of students who have reviewed this class. The teacher’s recommendation is shown until at least 5 student responses are collected.

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